
Thanksgiving is a natural time to reflect on gratitude. What is it that we are grateful for in our lives? I think most of us do that on Thanksgiving. Let’s take it a step further and reflect on our gratitude practices and systems. What is it that you do daily, throughout the year to focus on gratitude?

There are so many great resources to help with our reflection. There have been many articles recently showing the improvements of productivity in business when the leader practices gratitude. This Ted Talk is one of my favorites, showing that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us happy.

There are also many studie1s that show the great benefits gratitude has on health. I have tried many different practices over the years, and this is what has stuck with me. Every night when we are going to sleep, my wife Tonya and I will ask each other what was our high for the day and what we are grateful for in the last 24 hours. It may be one thing or three, but it connects us, sets our mind on the good right as we are falling to sleep, which helps us feel better and sleep better.

I also thank God for two or three things I am feeling grateful for first thing every morning. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in ALL circumstances.” I have heard that for years but never could do it, until this summer when I read Jen Sincero’s book, You are a Badass. It said the same thing, but with a twist. It asked if you can see what IS good about this situation and if you can’t see that, ask “what COULD BE good about it.” This I can do and have applied since then and I can always find an answer that focuses me on what could be good about this.

These three things have been a staple for me this year, especially since the summer, and I have been much happier for it. What will your gratitude practices be going forward? 1-3 simple things you can do every day?

Finally, I am grateful for you for reading these reflections, giving me your feedback, and helping me grow.

All my best,
